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Galway football team homecoming 29 July 2024

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Some of the many young supporters awaiting the arrival of the Galway Football team for the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Awaiting the arrival of the Galway Football team for the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Some of the many young supporters awaiting the arrival of the Galway Football team for the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Supporters during the homecoming of the Galway Football team at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening.
Supporters during the homecoming of the Galway Football team at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Supporters during the homecoming of the Galway Football team at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Supporters during the homecoming of the Galway Football team at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Supporters during the homecoming of the Galway Football team at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening.
Galway Manager Pádraic Joyce's daughter Jodie holding her pet dog during the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Galway Manager Pádraic Joyce's daughter Jodie holding her pet dog during the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Galway Manager Pádraic Joyce's daughter Jodie holding her pet dog during the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Galway Manager Pádraic Joyce's daughter Jodie holding her pet dog during the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening.
Galway Manager Pádraic Joyce beside his daughter Jodie holding her pet dog during the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Galway Manager Pádraic Joyce beside his daughter Jodie holding her pet dog during the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Galway Manager Pádraic Joyce with his daughter Jodie holding her pet dog during the homecoming ceremony at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening. Supporters during the homecoming of the Galway Football team at Pearse Stadium on Monday evening.
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